Friday, February 25, 2011


Photo by Christopher Landin

Hello again. It was in no way my intention to stay away from blogging this long, it just happened. Probably missed out on a lot of good stuff but i suppose you've all been kept up to date through other blogs!
What did catch my ear are Mickey's latest remixes; one for Tyson's 'Die On The Dancefloor' and one for Beni's single 'Yeah'. Get the Tyson remix if you're up for something dramatic, turn to Beni if you particularly liked the playfulness of his Farfalle EP. Both are of Mickey's finest and should sound amazing when played out.
- insert a vague promise of posting more stuff, more often again! -

Beni - Yeah (Mickey Remix)

Tyson - Die On The Dancefloor (Mickey Remix)

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